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Binaries in spread betting remain the most preferred options for traders

The growing number of spread betters that have opted for binaries has been increasing recently and as much as there are those who may dismiss the approaches as solely based on fixed odd bets, there is no question that some of the basic advantages that have marked the binaries as [...]

Comparing and Differentiating CFDs and Spread Betting

The volatility of the market is indeed one of the greatest challenges for many investors. It will require traders to have a technical background on the financial instruments that they are dealing with. Aside from that, there are still so many things that need to be understood. However, by using [...]

Algo Betting: Trading Without Emotions

Financial spread betting will always invoke two negative emotions in every trader in the FX market; these being are fear and greed. Traders often commit the tremendous mistake of shifting to stop losses or in simple terms, closing a position too early. This is often done in haste by the [...]

Analysis on the VIX Feedback Loop

In a general sense, VIX refers to a ticker symbol that has something to do with the CBOE or the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index. This is actually a financial tool that is being used by many people in order to show the market’s 30-day volatility expectation. This was [...]

UK Backs off on EU’s New Trading Platform

Britain gives a warning of retreating over the new trading platforms that is being planned in the European Union.  This is in contrary to its earlier stand. Nevertheless, the new effort of the EU to form this brand new platform is brought by the support of various world leaders for [...]

Orange Juice Market Provides Opportunities For Futures Traders

Futures traders have benefited from further rising prices in the orange juice futures market, which some analysts have forecast will lead to higher prices for consumers´, amidst concerns over the integrity of several key orange crops globally which it is feared could lead to a supply shortage. Concern over the [...]

Swiss Exchange Start Delay Prompts Systems Concern

The Swiss stock exchange was plagued by technical issues on Friday morning, leading to a delay in access to some of the most commonly traded markets of up to 3 hours- the latest in a series of technical glitches, giving rise to calls for more robust trading infrastructure across the [...]

New Opportunities for Retail Investors in Financial Spread Betting

The realm of financial spread betting and other trading systems are continuously being developed.  Recently, there are new exchange traded funds or ETFs brought to the market by one of the biggest instruments in the industry nowadays, which is HSBC. It is in this light that more opportunities are now [...]

Things to Know about Back Testing and Trading Systems

There is a saying that if you do not have the guts, you can never enjoy glory. While this may be applicable in the field of financial spread betting, it does not mean that we shall engage into it incautiously. In other words, we must always have a safety net [...]

Ways in Playing The Market With Gold and Silver Today

Even when the global market is generally depressed, there are still some opportunities that many investors can explore in order to earn profits. One of the fields that can be the focus of many investors is the market for metals like gold, silver and platinum. The trading of these metals [...]

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