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CFD Trading and Broker Regulation

CFD and Financial Spread Betting can be fun, exciting and at the same time profitable for many investors but as we emphasised many times regulation is very important and it's vital to find a broker that is properly regulated and trusted. As many of you might have noticed CFD broker [...]

Contracts for Differences (CFD) Explained

As name suggests, CFD (Contracts for difference) is the agreement entered on by two parties, whereby they choose to exchange difference between opening price and closing price of the stock. CFDs mirror an performance of the share or the index. CFDs are traded on the equities (shares), FOREX, index [...]

Stock Market Tips

In the stock market, it is not impossible to look at the stock move up radically in a matter of few hours. Investors and traders will make huge money and build up their wallets each time this phase is in the market. This is good for everybody who wants to [...]

What Is Short Selling?

Yes, an idea of short selling is elusive to people. The short selling is just a chance to profit when price of the share goes down, using a tool (like financial spread betting or CFDs) and broker that permits you to sell the share or else CFD and after that [...]

Shares Market

Trading covers a multitude of sins, or else at least multitude of the markets. Mention, "trading" to the non-trader and they will most likely, think of the stock & shares however but there are many other markets that you can trade. All these include futures, commodities, CFDs, indices, and options. [...]

Reasons Why Most of the Online Investors and Traders Go Broke

Why most of the traders lose money? It can be lack of knowledge or else lack of capability to apply sensible rules. Here is the overview of what will make traders possible to succeed. Guarding your capital & good money management tactics are very important as mentioned here: Are you [...]

Spread Betting on Soft Commodities

Though less popular than the Metals or else Energy based Commodities such as Crude Oil, and Soft Commodities like Coffee provide lots of opportunity for anybody trading Financial spread betting or else spread betting. Soft Commodities Trading with Spread Betting particulars: There are many factors that will influence the food [...]

CFD Trading Lesson

Here will go through advantages of the CFD trading and costs in the CFD trading. Transaction costs will include interest for the long positions held overnight, brokerage or commissions, and any of the slippage you might encounter in case you trade stock CFDs, which are not liquid. Thus now, we [...]

CFD Broker- Make a Choice

With modern times of cell phone and mobile broadband communication, it is not strange to find hidden in home traders who do their CFD Trading from the comfort of their homes. Today being CFD trader you need computer set up to multi-screen investing servers, number of casual or serious home-based [...]

Stock Market Timing – When To Purchase & Sell all Your Shares?

The new traders will often fantasize or else wonder regarding how few people can achieve a tremendous profit just by trading stocks only some hours on a daily or else weekly basis. As a result, going farther than hype and bells and whistles, which many "trading gurus" want to invoke. [...]

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